Meets Weekly: Regal Cascade Theater Sundays @ 10am Mailing Address: 16420 SE McGillivray BLVD Suite 307 Vancouver, WA 98683
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God is up to something Big!

Hi Branch Church.

Kyle and Ruth Davies, an aspiring church planting couple from Kentucky, were with The Branch community last weekend. Kyle brought our Bible teaching, which included insights into his own story of God’s rescue and redemption. If you missed it, you would be blessed to get the full audio or video here.

We are finalizing details to formally call Kyle and Ruth to join The Branch Church as resident future church planters, being sent out to lead a new church plant as early as the end of 2019. God is up to something big at The Branch!

Have you invited someone to Easter Service this coming Sunday? God made a way for every person to have a new life here and an eternal life beyond this life!

Dave and Lori Vigna