Branch Church Attenders and Friends,
Lori and I are thrilled to have Kyle and Ruth Davies from Kentucky here with The Branch this Sunday. You will have a chance to get to know them and hear Kyle share a Bible message.
Kyle and Ruth and their two children are considering the possibility of joining The Branch Church plant for two to three years in preparation for planting a new church here in the Portland Metro area. They would serve as associate planters and embedded new church planters that The Branch would send out after they invested a season with us. Please come, meet and welcome them Sunday. |
Pizza Sunday! Please hang out after the service and enjoy some pizza, salad and dessert. |
Young Adult Gathering Sunday evening at the Vigna’s to enjoy hosted dinner, fellowship and connection time with Kyleand Ruth Davies. Come and bring a friend. |
The Branch is planning an awesome Easter Service, just over 1 week away! Who are you inviting? Now is a great time to text or call to invite family, friends, neighbors, and coworkers. Don’t forget to bring in your Easter Eggs this Sunday. |
Have you been baptized? Immediately after one trusts and submits to Jesus as Savior and Lord is always the best time to be baptized (Acts 2:38; 22:16). This approaching Easter Sunday can be an opportune time if you have not been immersed (baptized) and would like some preparatory learning about this important response to Jesus. Please text or call us and we can visit about being baptized!
Dave & Lori Vigna
541-730-0230 or 541-730-0486 |